To promote Yog to common people through workshops, Yoga studio’s, blogs and you tube channel.

AyurYog Yatra studio ’ is a concept; we will set up well equipped,divine and hygienic studio in your town keeping international standard in mind. The place, where one can practice Yoga and retain the vitality of the body and mind. And on display window Ayurvedic products will be on sale also (manufactured by our Company). The Yoga Center features well-trained, professional instructors, progressive teaching methods under the guidance of Yoga guru Suneel Singh .

As you know Yoga is a spiritual system with a physical component; this non-competitive approach helps the practitioner gain much more than just a healthy body. The ultimate intentions of this Ayur yog Yatra Studio is to spread Ayurveda, Yoga, spirituality, peace, harmony, love and stress free living all over the world.

Publication:- Ank Rog aur Yog
:- Sahaj Yog to prevent Diabetes through Yoga.