BEFORE COVID19 : AFTER COVID19 are two entirely different worlds.

Covid19 crisis is not merely a pandemic challenge. We, the human race is going through a humanitarian revolution. Some argue that such changes in human behaviour happened thrice in the past, first when ‘fire’ was discovered, second when ‘agriculture’ became the future source of food and third was ‘industrialization’.

To be witnessing such an event during our lifetime is a reason enough to thank our stars, after all, thousands of years of evolution and we participating in arguably one of the four game changing episodes of mankind’s evolution is huge by any standards. Our era also being the digital age of information, is icing on the cake.

Cumulatively with digital technology, Internet is a self-sufficient tool for human beings and if one uncovers means to generate fame and money through fusion of the two, it’s a win.

In present times of uncertainty and distress, making friends with digital & internet domains while adapting to sustainable innovations is the key of future business, even more so in the entertainment industry.

At the corporate level, entertainment industry is about generating wealth and monetary value, but at the creators level, it is the urge to freely express. The ensuing ‘slightly enclosed world’ opens drastic opportunities to tell small stories without the fear of being judged and without ‘burning a huge hole in our pockets’.

Isofest is a platform to showcase our individual talent on the world digital canvas. At a time when we are experiencing unnerving restrictions and confinements, the artiste in us does not die, it actually roars to break the shackles. Isofest is a dedicated domain for short films, music, music videos and photography created during enforced detachment.

The whole world is our playground.